Wednesday 15 June 2011

Adik dan Tonsillitis

Dear Abang,

Saya dah hantar referal letter kat an nur tadi.

ni sket info pasal tonsillitis dari source:
Besides difficulty swallowing and a refusal to eat, signs that your toddler may have tonsillitis include:
  • A persistent sore throat -tak tahu 
  • Ear pain - tak tahu
  • Bad breath - memang mulut dia berbau
  • Snoring or mouth breathing while sleeping  -ni yanng paling obvious
  • An elevated fever and chills - kekadang ada
  • Enlarged glands in the neck and jawnampak 
  • Loss of voice -suara ok
  • Headache -tak tahu..
  • Drooling - air liur dia selalu meleleh kan.. ingat nak tumbuh gigi

If my toddler does have tonsillitis, will he need to get his tonsils out? (Harap-harap adik tak de kene operate)

Probably not. First of all, it's very unusual for a child younger than 3 years of age to have a tonsillectomy (see.. VERY UNUSUAL). And secondly, while tonsillectomies were commonly performed years ago, doctors now recognize that the tonsils play a role in filtering harmful bacteria and viruses, so they suggest removing them only when they're a chronic problem.

Surgery is usually recommended for a child who has:

  • seven or more episodes of tonsillitis in one year
  • five or more episodes of tonsillitis a year for two years
  • trouble breathing because of swollen tonsils and adenoids (the lymph tissue that sits behind the nose)
  • trouble swallowing
  • a tumor in the throat or nasal passage
In addition, if your child's swollen tonsils are accompanied by swollen adenoids, he could develop a condition called sleep apnea, which interrupts his breathing for seconds at a time while he's asleep.

If the doctor thinks that your child needs to have his tonsils and perhaps adenoids removed, she'll refer you to an otolaryngologist to discuss the surgery.

What does the operation involve?

Tonsillectomies are usually done on an outpatient basis, which means that your child will need to stay for only two to four hours after the surgery. In the unusual event that your toddler would need a tonsillectomy, though, he'd probably need to spend the night because of his young age. A child would also need to spend the night if he isn't drinking well after the surgery or has any chronic health problems that need monitoring.

Your child won't be allowed to eat or drink anything (even water) for about 12 hours before the operation. That's because if there's anything in his stomach, he may vomit it up under anesthesia, which could be dangerous. kesiannyer...

There will be nurses to take care of your toddler before and after the surgery, an anesthesiologist who will talk to you about the general anesthesia that will be administered in the operating room before surgery, and the surgeon.

The surgeon will remove the tonsils — and the adenoids if necessary — through your child's mouth, without making any cuts in his skin. The procedure takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Your child will probably be given intravenous fluids during and after the operation. He'll then be taken to the recovery room, where the nurses will monitor him until he's awake and doing well enough to head home (or to his hospital room).

Harap-harap sangat problem dia tak serius sampai kene buat tonsillectomies

Friday 8 April 2011

Beg baru Adik

Dear Abang,

Akhirnya adik dpt juga trolley bag macam kakak..... "Tenkiu ayah... Babai ayah"
First day bawa beg tarik cam tu.. excited sgt si adik.. turun kete je terus tayang beg tarik dia kat member2 dia. Glamer habis bila semua kawan datang nak belek beg dia. hahhahhah

Ni masa diorang nak balik

Kakak mesti nak dulu.. laju je tinggalkan adik

Adik dan cikgu umi dan beg tariknya

Dua kanak-kanak sedang menarik beg


Friday 25 March 2011

Jangan Kacau Adik Saya

Dear Abang,

Walau pun suka kacau adik tapi Aqilah ni sebenarnya sangat protective terhadap adik.

Kat nursery diorang tu ada sorang girl yang baya adik yang suka sangatlah peluk-peluk adik. Kalau peluk sket je tak pe, ni sampai tergolek adik dipeluk dek sofia.. Oh yeah, that girl’s name is sofia. Yang paling teruk hari tu sampai benjol kepada adik sebab jatuh kat lantai nak mengelak kene peluk.

So pagi tadi saya terperasan la satu kejadian ni. Saya tgk dari dalam kereta. Kakak dah masuk dalam simpan beg dia n dah keluar balik nak main kat playhouse. Adik pulak masih terkedek-kedek heret beg dia yang tak de roda cam kakak tu (hhehhe ..sian adik.. nanti dah besar sket mama beli beg ada roda eh).
Beg tu sangkut kat pintu.

Si sofia ni nampak adik yang tengah terkial-kial nak heret beg n terus gi kat adik nak peluk adik. Kakak kebetulan ada dekat-dekat situ nampak lah sofia ni  nak kacau adik. Dia terus gi kat adik, pegang bahu adik  n tenung sofia... she did utter something kat budak sofia tu tapi tak tahulah apa.
Kakak ni kan jauh lebih tinggi dari sofia n adik. So nampak takutlah sofia tu kat Kakak.

Tergelak lak tgk. Tapi saya tak tunggu tgk apa terjadi seterusnya sbb dah lambat nak gi office.

Sister's love

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Goody goody good mood today!

Dear Abang,

Mood Aqeel n Aqilah sangat-sangat baik pagi ni masa nak hantar diorang gi school.
Diorang salam n kissed saya siap2 dalam kete, pastu sgt2 excited nak turun dari kete.
Bila dah buka kasut n simpan kat rak, masing-masing kene heret beg untuk simpan kat dalam.
Tapi aqeel heret beg tu separuh jalan jek.. dia tinggalkan beg tgh2 muka pintu pastu cepat2 nak masuk main kat play house.  Aqilah pun cepat2 naik join geng dia main.

Ni saya jumpa gamba lama diorang kat kindi ...

Gambar adik tak de plak kat PC ni.
Next entry lah saya upload.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Happy CNY!

Dear Abang,

Sempena Tahun Baru Cina, Aqilah n Aqeel buat pose istimewa.. :)
At least diorang pakai la juga baju yang saya beli kat Beijing tu hehe.

Kakak kene paksa 'smile'. Adik lak blur je..

Gong Xi Fa Chai

Monday 31 January 2011

Everyday is Bubur Day

Dear Abang,

Saje je nak letak gambar bubur yang menjadi makanan wajib diorang hari-hari :)

Bahan-bahannya (chewah.. siap bagi resipi ni)

Ayam dipotong kecil
Kentang (potong dadu)
Lobak merah
Batang Celery
bawang putih
bawang merah
Air rebusan ayam
garam secukup rasa (ayat standard)

Cara Penyediaan

1. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih dan halia hingga naik bau
2. Masukkan air dan ayam
3. Masukkan kentang, lobak merah, batang celery
4. Rasakan dengan garam
5. Sebelum memasak sup, masak nasi dengan air yang banyak hingga jadi bubur.

Jadi bila dah masak bubur dan sup, inilah hasilnya...

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Aqeel is One and Aqilah is Three!

Dear Abang,

Happy Birthday to our sweethearts.

Here are some photos from their birthday parties. Simple yet memorable.

Muhammad Aqeel Hariz - 19 November 2010

Nur Aqilah Liyana - 24 January 2011

May Allah bless both of you and grow up to be true muslims. Amin

Saturday 22 January 2011

New Chapter 2011

Dear Abang,

Lama betul tak update blog. Last update August 2010. Maybe sebab saya dah tak gi nursery tengah hari.

Esok nak ambil birthday kek Aqilah... 24 Jan 2011, Aqilah's 3rd birthday. Cepatkan.. dah tiga tahun pun umur kakak. Adik pun dah setahun dua bulan. Dah macam-macam ragam dah diorang ni. Pantang jumpa, mesti nak gaduh. Lebih-lebih lagi adik yang suka sakat Kakak. Tapi kalau tak berjumpa... asyik tanya.

Sayang Kakan n Adik.. muah
